Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day in the life of Talia

Fed herself oatmeal

Gave bunny a the toilet!

Had a melt down cause I ruined the
fun & had to take her wet p.j.s off & take soaked
bunny away to wash her

Did her makeup while
mommy did hers

Made sure the girls were kicking
correctly (coach in training)

Shared her book with Chloe
Did a few cheers with pom poms
Helped roll up the cheer mats

Learned how to do a
Did her "daily devotional"
with her first bible

Read to the clean bunny

Tried to blow a bubble
and kept saying "bubble, bubble!"

Put her ABC's on the tub wall all by herself after
she first put them all on backwards & upside down
all by herself (good thing she figured it out on
her own or she would have been in big trouble :)

Got her toes did & showed them off :)

Daddy brushed her teeth while
she enjoyed eating the baby toothpaste

She and Daddy doing their nightly
story reading before bed

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Play Day at Rafiki's

Today Talia and I went to Rafiki's with Mary and Dylan. We all had an absolute blast!
Talia definitely thinks she owns the place which isn't surprising for anyone who knows her.

Read lots of books.

Played with Playdo

Slid down the HUGE slide
all by herself on her tummy
Only shared toys with
the toy doggy

Drew a picture
Slowed the older kids
down & let them know
that the slide was hers

And tried to feed Dylan
with a fake baby bottle

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun Day at Home!


Today was fun and pretty normal. Once Talia got up we had breakfast, watched Sesame Street and played. Once Talia went down for her nap, I took my shower, then had my bible study and spent time with the Lord :) I had to wake her up and get her dressed for cheer practice. After practice we ran a few errands and came home to have some fun with peanut butter and jelly. She really likes pulling the bread apart and scraping the inside out with her fingers. 

Once Daddy arrived home from work, Talia decided to play in the pile of dry wall mud that was on the floor waiting to be swept up. It will be so nice once the little remodeling we're doing is complete! She's a big helper though that's for sure!

After Dustin talked me into giving him a hair cut for my first time, hair was EVERYWHERE! After cleaning up all the hair, Dustin decided we should give Talia a bath in the jetted soaker tub instead of the front bathroom. He ended up getting in with her and they had sooooo much fun! They were BOTH splashing water everywhere. Needless to say the entire bathroom was completely wiped down twice!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

1st Blog Post!


This is our first Campbell Family Blog post! Today is Valentines Day! Happy Birthday Uncle Brother!! Hope you had a great day! It's Jimmy's birthday (Jen's brother) today and we call him Uncle Brother because of Talia. Well Jen and I didn't have a traditional Valentines Day because Jen had a cheerleading fundraiser going on. But we got to spend sometime last night together at a couples night out at the Church. So Talia and I hang out all day together at the house, it was awesome!! Reading books, watching movies, eating everything and making the house a disaster. What fun we had!! She is truly an amazing child and such a blessing to be around. Although I didn't get much accomplished today around the house and Jen will probably not be excited, it was some great quality time with Talia that I don't often get alone! Oh and last but not least the boys (Brodee & Bj) they slept all day and loved every minute of it. Well expect the times when Talia would yell at them and chase them around the house. She loves to do that to them! Well that's enough for the 1st Family Blog post. Love you all, The Campbell Clan!!

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