Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day in the life of Talia

Fed herself oatmeal

Gave bunny a the toilet!

Had a melt down cause I ruined the
fun & had to take her wet p.j.s off & take soaked
bunny away to wash her

Did her makeup while
mommy did hers

Made sure the girls were kicking
correctly (coach in training)

Shared her book with Chloe
Did a few cheers with pom poms
Helped roll up the cheer mats

Learned how to do a
Did her "daily devotional"
with her first bible

Read to the clean bunny

Tried to blow a bubble
and kept saying "bubble, bubble!"

Put her ABC's on the tub wall all by herself after
she first put them all on backwards & upside down
all by herself (good thing she figured it out on
her own or she would have been in big trouble :)

Got her toes did & showed them off :)

Daddy brushed her teeth while
she enjoyed eating the baby toothpaste

She and Daddy doing their nightly
story reading before bed


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