Thursday, February 19, 2009

Fun Day at Home!

Today was fun and pretty normal. Once Talia got up we had breakfast, watched Sesame Street and played. Once Talia went down for her nap, I took my shower, then had my bible study and spent time with the Lord :) I had to wake her up and get her dressed for cheer practice. After practice we ran a few errands and came home to have some fun with peanut butter and jelly. She really likes pulling the bread apart and scraping the inside out with her fingers. 

Once Daddy arrived home from work, Talia decided to play in the pile of dry wall mud that was on the floor waiting to be swept up. It will be so nice once the little remodeling we're doing is complete! She's a big helper though that's for sure!

After Dustin talked me into giving him a hair cut for my first time, hair was EVERYWHERE! After cleaning up all the hair, Dustin decided we should give Talia a bath in the jetted soaker tub instead of the front bathroom. He ended up getting in with her and they had sooooo much fun! They were BOTH splashing water everywhere. Needless to say the entire bathroom was completely wiped down twice!


Anonymous said...

Hello Talia, Jen & Dustin,
It is so nice to go online and see Talia. She surely is getting big.. Hope to see you all soon... Were going to try the straight thru drive to Idaho...VERY SOON...We miss you all.
Love Mom & Randy

Campbell Family Blog on February 21, 2009 at 12:57 PM said...

Hurry and come up, we miss you guys!!! Let us know what dates your thinking of coming up. Tell Maxine & Ovonual to come too, that would be awesome.
Love & Miss You,

Dustin, Jen, Talia & the Boys!

Anonymous said...

We love you guys!!! Love the Blog!!
Be Blessed!
Joe and Julie Harris

Anonymous said...

Hello Talia,
Loving all the fun pictures of you and your exciting life and soooo... happy that bunny got a bath. Aunt Mandy , Cousins Britnie and Kilee are here at Grandma and Grandpa's house for the weekend! We are missing everyone in Idaho. hope to get to see you while your in California...
Love and Kisses...

Anonymous said...

Hello Talia,

I was missing you today..... We will see all of you in May for Uncle Dougie's 30th Birthday!!!

Grandma Debbie & Grandpa Babe

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